Peak Asset Lending

Premier Non-Bank, Asset-Based, Real Estate Self directed ira non recourse loan lenders


As our Borrower, do you fit any of the following criteria? Peak is accustomed to a wide variety of Borrowing Entities. As a Real Estate Investor, odds are you are already using one of the below “thumbs up” structures. If so, Click YES.





Self-directed IRA

Solo 401k

Individual for Investment Purposes

Foreign national

individual for primary residence

2. Loan Purpose

Do you need a Loan for any of the following reasons? Peak provides help for almost every imaginable investment strategy – even some you may not know about! If your lending needs fit any of these “thumbs up” criteria, Click YES.




Rehab to Perm


30 Year Mortgages

New Construction

Cash-out Refinances

Land Development

3. Property

Is the Investment Property one of the following? Peak specializes in residential investment properties from Single Family up to Four-Plexes.

Single Family Residential



Vacation Rental








Mobile Homes

4. Location

Is the Investment Property in one of these States? Peak is currently lending in the States of: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

peak asset lending self directed ira non recourse loan lenders property locations served

Looks like we’re a great fit!

If you think that was easy, just wait!
Peak has the Industry’s Fastest Pre-Approvals.


Explore Real Estate Self Directed IRA Non Recourse Loan Lenders Programs

Explore On Your Own

Helping you quickly find a loan program that works for you is important to Us. Peak has developed several tools that make self-exploration easy.

Through the PAL Portal, Borrowers can use our Wizard or our Quick Filter Loan Program Comparison to find that perfect loan program. Just click below to access these tools!


Let us Help You

Looking for a direct path, let us guide you. Peak’s specialist have helped 1000’s of investors match their unique investment strategy to a Peak loan program.

Contact us directly and, with just a little information, we can present you with the loan program (or programs) that best fit your needs.

Respected Member of

American Association of Private Lenders logo

Contact Form

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